- 29/03/21 - 02/07/21 -
  Week 1 - Week 14

Nickie Soh Yin Ying 0340111
Bachelor of Mass Communication (Public Relations and Events Management)

WEEK 1 - Introduction to Photography and Imaging


Today I had my first Digital Photography and Imaging class. As we are currently under the Malaysian movement control order(MCO), we took our lecture class online. Our lecturer, Mr. Martin gave us a brief of this module and an overview of Adobe Photoshop and graphic designs. 

Task :

Bezier Game 

This game allows users to practice the pen tool. It requires us to draw an object with the amount of nodes given. Every level will show you the ideal nodes to draw the object after you complete drawing it. 

As I am not familiar with the pen tool, it took me some time to complete all the levels. I completed the game with 26 nodes remaining. Through this game, I get to understand more about pen tool such as how to draw a curve line and how to join in together etc. It is an interesting game for me and I also learnt during the progress of completing the levels. 

3 Favourite Graphic Design Work 

Cuba Gallery on Pinterest

This graphic design captures my eyes when I first look at it. The usage of pastel colours in the design gives me a happy vibe. Through the design, I feel that they are trying to portray the girl's mind is full of  happiness as they used the flowers as the elements.

LELECHA on Weibo

This design chooses pink colour for their background font which highlights the PEACH drink. The design below which uses a circle to showcase the main product is my favourite part as it is simple and also at the same time using a caption to do their branding. 

The usage of black and white colours made the main content of the design even clearer. The blending of colours is unique and it makes the whole design not too dull. 

WEEK 2 - Introduction to Composition


In the second week of class,  I learnt about the basic composition which is focal point, scale & hierarchy, balance, golden ratio and more. These basic compositions are the point that we need to include when building the collages. 

Task :

  • Choose and identify your collage's design elements to be cut out and compose them into your own concept & story.
  • Pre compositing your collage's design elements into a composition

The task for this week is for our Project 1A, physical collage. We have to find different elements from newspapers, magazines or we can print the design elements.  In this week, we have to pre-compose 3 designs for our physical collage using the element we found. 

The challenge in this task is the cutting and placing part. It is difficult to arrange the elements to catch the audience eyes. Or even sometimes the placement is not right it will make the picture looks weird and boring. The fun part is you can arrange different elements together and make it into a picture. 

Pre-Composition #1

Pre-Composition #2

Pre-Composition #3

WEEK 3 - Introduction to Photoshop


In week 3's lecture, we learnt about the basic tools of Photoshop. We learnt the Lasso, Pen and Layering tools.  We also learnt some shortcut keys to help us operate Photoshop easier. Also, we will be doing our Project 1B, digital collage through Photoshop.

Task :

  • Download all of the images given by Mr. Martin.
  • Create 3 different composition digital collages from the images that you’ve downloaded.

original picture

editing using the lasso tool

editing using the pen tool

editing using the quick selection tool

Pre-Composition #1

Pre-Composition #2

Pre-Composition #3

WEEK 4 - Introduction to Photoshop

During week 4's lecture, we learnt about the adjustment layers. Mr. Martin had show us how to adjust the brightness, contrast, colour balance, levels and more. So we are given an exercise to learn and apply these adjustments. 

Figure 4.1 Progression of editing

Figure 4.2 Final Outcome

WEEK 5 - Exposure Editing


In week 5's lecture, we learnt about the adjustment layers and filters. Mr. Martin had show us the features. We can adjust the brightness, contrast, colour balance and more. These feature had allow me to make a lot of changes to my image in Photoshop. 

Task :
So we are given a Heart Mansion background and a Shazam poster. We are required to edit the Shazam into the Heart Mansion also edit the reflection. 

Figure 5.1 Heart Mansion Background

Figure 5.2 Shazam Picture

Figure 5.3 Final Outcome of Editing

Also, we are required to use our full-body picture and edit into the heart mansion. The editing steps are the same as the Shazam picture. 

Figure 5.4 Full Body Picture

Figure 5.5 Final Outcome of Editing

WEEK 6 - Recoloring Black and White


This week exercise requires us to recolor for a Black& White portrait using Adobe Photoshop.  In this exercise, will be using layering, masking and also the brush tool.

Figure 6.1 Original Image

Figure 6.2 Progression 1

Figure 6.3 Progression 2

Figure 6.4 Final Outcome

WEEK 7 - Recoloring Black and White


For week 7,  Mr. Martin showed us how to recolor image in another way. We learnt how to use the selectin tool to select the hair accurately. 

Figure 7.1 Original Image

Figure 7.2 Progression 1

Figure 7.3 Progression 2

Figure 7.4 Progression 3

Figure 7.5 Final Outcome


Figure 7.6 Before Coloring

Figure 7.7 After Coloring

WEEK 10 - Intro to After Effect


In this week, Mr. Martin introduce the new software which is the After Effect. For me it is quite difficult to use as it was my first time using this software. During class, our lecturer gave us exercise to explore the tools in the After Effect. In this week, I've learnt a lot of new features in this software. 

Figure 10.1 Original Image

Figure 10.2 Creating motion for Typewriter Layer

Figure 10.3 Creating motion for Fencer Layer

Figure 10.4 Creating motion for Shark Layer

Figure 10.5 Render after completing the motions

Figure 10.6 Final Outcome 

WEEK 12 - Double Exposure and Image Blending Mode

In this week,  we learnt about double exposure in lecture class. Double exposure means merging multiple images together. We can apply various blending modes(soft light, screen etc.)  in Photoshop to edit a double exposure image.  After completing the exercise, I have an clearer picture in doing a double exposure effect. 

Blending Mode Exercise 

Exercise 1 :  In this exercise, we are required to blend the smoke into the image. 

Figure 12.1 Original Image

Figure 12.2 Applying Blending Mode (Screen) 

Figure 12.3 Adjust level to make the girl more contrast

Figure 12.4 Final Outcome

Exercise 2 :  In this exercise, we are required to blend a flock of birds into the sunset.

Figure 12.5 Original Image

Figure 12.6 Select the bird using lasso tool

Figure 12.7 Place the birds into the sunset image

Figure 12.8 Make adjustment on the level adjustment layer

Figure 12.9 Applied gradient and lower down the opacity

Figure 12.10 Final Outcome

Exercise 3 :  Adjust the image contrast by applying Soft Light Blending Mode.

Figure 12.11 Original Image

Figure 12.12 Duplicate the picture and apply Soft Light blending mode

Figure 12.13 Create a radial gradient in a new layer 

Figure 12.14 Apply Soft Light at the gradient layer

Figure 12.15 Final Outcome

Double Exposure  Exercise 
So the next exercise is the double exposure exercise. 

Figure 12.16 Original Image

Figure 12.17 Used Spot Healing Brush to remove the blemishes on the model's face

Figure 12.18 Apply adjustments on the image

Figure 12.19 Use Quick Selection Tool to select the boy and  mask it out

Figure 12.20 Apply B&W to the image

Figure 12.21  Create a solid color layer as the background

Figure 12.22  Insert the Layer Image

Figure 12.23  Reduce Opacity

Figure 12.24  Use Brush tool to mask the area I want to remain

Figure 12.25 Final Outcome

WEEK 13 - Digital Surrealism

For this week, we learn about digital surrealism. Digital surrealism refers to combination of images to create an idea. 

  • Practice Parallex Exercise and GIF. 
Parallex exercise
Exercise 1 : Yowa 1

Figure 13.1 Original Image

Figure 13.2 Duplicate the layer

Figure 13.3 Expand the masking selection to 5 pixels

Figure 13.4 Fill it with content aware

Figure 13.5 Convert into smart object

Figure 13.6 Open timeline and animate the girl & background

Video 13.1 Final Results of Editing

Exercise 2 : Surfing

Figure 13.7 Original Image

Figure 13.8  Duplicate Layer

Figure 13.9 Mask the surfing boy

Figure 13.10 Expand the masking selection to 5 pixels

Figure 13.11 Fill it with content aware

Figure 13.12 Open timeline and animate the surfing boy & background

Video 13.2 Final Results of Editing

Exercise 3 : Make Yowa's flying surreal

Figure 13.13 Original Image

Figure 13.14 Select and Mask the grass

Figure 13.15 Select and Mask the girl

Figure 13.16 Content Aware the grass and girl layer at the background

Figure 13.16 Open timeline and add animations

Video 13.3 Final Results of Editing

Gif exercise
Exercise 4 : To Make the yoga girl moving

Figure 13.17 Original Image

Figure 13.18 Select and Mask the yoga girl

Figure 13.19 Remove the girl from the background

Figure 13.20 Duplicate the girl layer

Figure 13.21 Duplicate another video in 0.5 seconds

Figure 13.22 Use puppet wrap and pin it at body joint

Figure 13.23 Final Outcome
