Digital Photography & Imaging (Final Project)

- 19/05/21 - 02/07/21 -
  Week 9 - Week 14

Nickie Soh Yin Ying 0340111

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Public Relations and Events Management)

For the last project, we are required to do Surrealistic Parallax in a self-titled theme. Self- titles is for us to express ourselves and it able us to reflect our personality in out artwork. Also, this is to help us in building confidence and discover our interest.

Part 1  : Idea Development (Week 10)
1. Write a biography about yourself 


Nickie Soh is a 21 year old full-time student, born and raised in the city of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur. She’s currently majoring in Public Relations & Event Management at Taylor’s Lakeside University. She likes to travel around and explore new things around the world.


What is your passion?

Travelling is her passion. Travelling is like a great escape from a city and you get to adventure and explore new amazing things. Consistent routine makes her feel boring and she thinks that traveling is the most exciting thing to make new experiences and memories that will last forever.


What’s motivate you to achieve your dream?

Her dream is to travel to even more countries and explore the globe after the pandemic. Also, travelling can meet people from all over the world is the most rewarding and precious part. The conversations will not only bring happiness to her and also helping her to build knowledges. 


How do you want to visualize your dream into an artwork?

I want to express the happiness and precious moments in travelling. And also expressing the beauty and uniqueness of the globe. 

2. Write a statement about yourself

Tell us about your work
On this digital artwork, I want to picture the beauty of different places and cultures of various countries and also express the happiness of travelling. 


What is the concept behind it?

To encourage people to travel and explore the nature and not only doing shopping during travelling. Using your heart and eyes to feel and explore the happiness and excitement while travelling. 


What is the message you want people to understand it?

Travelling is not only “holiday”. We can also learn during travelling and capture every precious moments and learn during the process. 


What is your motto/ quote?

“Collect Moments, Explore and Learn.”

2. Idea Development (Mood Board)

Figure 1.1 Poster Reference 1

Figure 1.2 Poster Reference 2

Figure 1.3 Poster Reference 3

Part 2  : Design Directions (Week 11)
1. Sketch your mockup poster

Figure 1.4 Sketch 1

Figure 1.5 Sketch 2

2. Create a digital poster based on your sketch

Design 1

This is the progression for my Poster Design 1. 

Figure 1.6 My image included in the picture

Figure 1.7 Use quick selection tool & Refine edge brush tool to select

Figure 1.8 Mask the image

Figure 1.9 Insert into the poster background

Figure 1.10 Cloud Image Used

Figure 1.11 Insert the cloud 

Figure 1.12 Frame Picture

Figure 1.13 Insert Frame Picture

Figure 1.14 Insert Sky Background into the frame

Figure 1.15 Building Image Used ( Busan Gamcheon Culture Village)

Figure 1.16 Building Image Used (Busan)

Figure 1.17 Mask and Insert the image

Figure 1.18 Insert moon and plane image

Figure 1.19 Insert text for slogan

Figure 1.20 Final outcome for Poster Design 1

Design 2

This is the progression for my Poster Design 1. 

Figure 2.1 Image for Poster Design 2 

Figure 2.2 Background Image

Figure 2.3 Use Quick Selection Tool & Refine Edge Brush to select then mask

Figure 2.4 Insert Image into the background

Figure 2.5 Moon Image

Figure 2.6 Insert the Moon Image

Figure 2.7 Stars Image

Figure 2.8 Insert Stars Image and Duplicate it then Group it together

Figure 2.9 Insert Cloud Images, Arrange the placement and group it into left and groups

Figure 2.10 Leaning Tower Of Pisa Image Used

Figure 2.11 Mask the Eiffel Tower 

Figure 2.12 Insert both building Images into the background

Figure 2.13 Plane Image Used

Figure 2.14 Birds Image Used

Figure 2.15 Mask both planes and birds and insert into background

Figure 2.16 Insert Text and use eyedropper tool to pick the moon colour

Figure 2.17 Final outcome for Poster Design 2

So during classes, I told Mr. Martin that I would like to choose for poster Design 2, at first he stated that my design was plain so I added the birds and stars into the design and then I work for my animations. 

Part 3  : Design Directions (Week 13)

First Animation (Before Changes)

For my first animation I only did animation for the moon and plane. 

Video 2.1 First Animation Progress

Feedback from Mr. Martin (Week 13) : 
Animation must be slow and try to do parallax effect for the background. 

Second Animation Progress : 

After making changes with my poster according to the feedback, I also made changes to my animations to make it slower. 

Figure 2.18 Animate the plane by changing the position 

Figure 2.19 Animate the bird by changing the position 

Figure 2.20 Animate the bird by changing the position

Figure 2.21 Animate the background using scale

Video 2.2 Second Animation Progress and added background music

Feedback from Mr. Martin (Week 14) : 
Try to animate the clouds and make sure it must be slow and subtle. 

Third Animation Progress : 
Based on the suggestions provided by Mr. Martin , I made changes again to my animations.

Figure 2.21 Animate the left group clouds with slow movement to the left side

Figure 2.22 Animate the right group clouds with slow movement to the right side

Video 2.2 Third Animation Progress after animating the clouds 

Final Submission 

Figure 3.1 Final Poster 

Video 3.1 Final Animation 

Title : Exploring Happiness & Beauty of The World  

Artist Statement : 
During this pandemic, I’m stressed when staying at home as I’m unable to meet my friends or hang out.

Before pandemic, I used to travel every year and that’s the best moment in every year. As I get to discover and explore new things in the world. I get to relax myself and enjoy the precious time when travelling around.

This poster is to express which I want to look for my happiness after the pandemic which is to travel around again . Also, exploring the beauty of the world after staying at home for one year.

Reflection :

First, I learnt many new things when contributing the Project. As this is my first time using Adobe After Effects so it is quite challenging for me when it comes to animating. The parallax taught by Mr. Martin is what I've learnt and tried to applied into my Project too. I've faced many challenges while doing this assignment as I am not good in designing and I feel stressed when I see other people's work. But I tried to overcome it and do my best to complete this assignment. I also know that I have to arrange the layers accordingly before importing into the After Effects so I can animate it easier. I am glad that I have an opportunity to learn After Effects in this semester which I've never used before.

