Digital Photography & Imaging (Project 1 )

- 05/04/21 - 02/05/21 -
  Week 2 - Week 5

Nickie Soh Yin Ying 0340111

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Public Relations and Events Management)

This project requires us to find and use different elements to form a collage art. This project is divided to two parts which is 1A and 1B. For part 1A is designing physical collage and for part 1B will be designing a digital collage. 

Project 1A - Physical Collage 

Pre-composition #1

For pre-composition 1, it is a spring concept. I used the flowers element in my collage to match the spring concept. I chose pink, red and white flowers for this collage as it is more related to cherry blossom flower blooms during spring season. 

Pre-composition #2

In this composition, I tried to balance and contrast the design. As I want to create a vintage feel in this composition, I feel like it is too plain to add on vintage elements in it. I added a half blue circle in the background to make it more unique. 

Pre-composition #3

In this pre-composition, I used the girl as a focal point. The flower and clouds elements in this composition are to represent the girl's heart is warm and soft even she looks cool outside. 

Feedback : 

Pre-composition #1 : Creates a focal point in the middle 
Pre-composition #2 : The elements are more in the middle 
Pre-composition #3 : - 

Final chosen collage : Pre-composition #2

Project 1B - Digital Collage 

We have to create three different composition collage using the images given my Mr. Martin. The digital collage will be designed using Adobe Photoshop. 

Digital Collage Composition #1 

Digital Collage Composition #2

Digital Collage Composition #3

Final Submission : 


After the first project, I feel that design classes are really interesting. As I am not a design major student, at first I am quite stressful when taking this module. But after completing this project I find that design classes are amazing and there are a lot of things to explore. When doing the physical collage, I have learnt that the arrangement will affect the focal point of the poster and how to make the colour balance. For digital poster, we have to use the golden ratio to design and these are the new things that I've learnt.
