Digital Photography & Imaging Project 2 

- 28/04/21 - 19/05/21 -
  Week 5 - Week 9 

Nickie Soh Yin Ying 0340111
Bachelor of Mass Communication (Public Relations and Events Management)

Project 2A - Imaging Exercise
Project 2A - Exercise 1 - Photo Manipulation

This exercise requires us to based on Shazam's exercise and use the same steps and edit our own photo into the Heart Mansion background. 

Figure 1.1 Heart Mansion Background

Figure 1.2 Full Body Picture

Figure 1.3 Use Quick Selection Tool to mask out

Figure 1.4 Drag the image into the background and resize in the right position , adjust the color tone

Figure 1.5 Use the same steps as the Shazam exercise to create the shadow and reflection layer

Figure 1.6 Final Outcome

Project 2A - Exercise 2 - Recolouring Black and White

This week exercise requires us to recolor for a Black& White portrait using Adobe Photoshop too. In this exercise, we learn how to use the refine edge brush tool. 

Figure 2.1 Original Picture

Figure 2.2 Use brush tool to apply the face color

Figure 2.3 Use Overlay blending mode to make it more natural

Figure 2.4 Use the same steps and apply color for hair 

Figure 2.5 Use the same steps and apply color for the full image

Figure 2.6 Final Outcome

Part 2 (Week 7)

This week exercise requires us to recolor for a Black& White portrait using Adobe Photoshop too in another method. In this exercise, we learn how to use the refine edge brush tool. 

Figure 3.1 Original Image

Figure 3.2 Reference for skin & hair colour

Figure 3.3 Use eyedropper tool to pick the colour 

Figure 3.4 Brush it on the face 

Figure 3.5 Apply Soft Light Blending Mode 

Figure 3.6 Use Refine Edge Brush Tool to select the hair and mask it

Figure 3.7 Apply colour and blending mode for the image

Figure 3.8 Final Outcome

Next, we're also required to choose another image provided by Mr.Martin and recolour it using the same steps above. 

Figure 3.9 Original Image

Figure 3.10 Use Eyedropper to pick the colour and brush it on the face

Figure 3.11 Apply Overlay Blending Mode

Figure 3.12 Use Refine Edge Brush Tool to select the hair and mask it

Figure 3.13 Use eyedropper to pick the colour and brush it then apply soft light blending mode

Figure 3.14 Repeat the steps and recolour the image

Figure 3.15 Final Outcome

Project 2B 

Part 1 - Research (Poster Design)

1. Summary of your research on REFUGEE IN MALAYSIA 

According to CNA Insider, Malaysia is having more than 160,000 refugees population registered in United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Refugees in Malaysia have no legal status which caused them unable to officially work and leads them to work in those informal sectors. Besides that, they are unable to receive official medical treatments from the government as they are label as the "illegals immigrants". The nation always viewed them as a "threat" to the country. 

According to news reported, refugees in Malaysia always receive mistreatment by authorities. They face violence, being harassed by police and only receive with little food and water to survive. These abuse and unfair treatment has caused them to live in the darkness. According to Malaysia’s Unwanted documentary, a former detainee said the hardest thing while he was in jail is being abused by the police officers. He had been beaten, slapped, kicked, starved and harassed by the officers.

Most of the Malaysians are having an unfriendly attitude towards refugees. Some of the Malaysians think that refugees came here for economic reasons or to take advantages of the nation’s welfare service. Report says that 40% of the Malaysians said that the country border  should totally close to refugees. As we can see, refugees are really unwelcomed by most of the Malaysians.

As a host country, Malaysia has maintained a humanitarian approach to refugees, especially towards the Rohingya community. Malaysians should also have a welcome attitude towards the refugees and treat them equally. We should stop racism and discriminating towards refugees. 

The poster is to raise awareness about human equality and human rights. The title of the poster will be " Equality Harms None". This is to educate Malaysians "Everyone is Equal",  to stop racisms towards refugees and treat them equally. The tagline or slogan will be " Equality comes with equal rights".

2.  From your summary’s highlighted keywords, describe your design .

·  human rights

·  equality

· unwelcomed

3.   Provide 3 visual references

Poster Reference #1

Poster Reference #2

Poster Reference #3

4.   Highlight Key Points Of Summary

Title : Equality Harms None

SLOGAN :  “Equality comes with equal rights” / “ Proper Treatment For Everyone”

Call for Action :
1st To stop racism towards refugees and treat them equally
2nd able to receive medical treatment, proper education and work)

Part 2 - Define Your Concept

1. Sketch for each layers. 

Figure 4.1 Sketch for title 

Figure 4.2 Sketch for slogan

Figure 4.3 Sketch for call for actions

2. Sketch for posters

I've done two rough sketch for my Poster Design 1 & Poster Design 2. For the first poster design, I decided to use  a large image of refugee to make it as the focal point. Besides that, I will use yellow colour to highlight out the title. BLOCK letters will be used in the poster to enhance the message. For second poster design I will split the message and image into left and right. This is to create a balance between the poster message and image. Red colour will be used for the text to highlight the messages of the poster. Below are my sketches. 

Figure 4.4 Poster Design 1 Sketch

Figure 4.5 Poster Design 2 Sketch

Poster Development 

Design 1

After a rough sketch, I started to create my first poster design.  First,  I mask the hand and adjust the saturation. This is to bring out that they are unable to speak up for themselves and always receive unfair treatment. Next, I insert the picture of the refugee and placed the title of the poster in the top middle section. According to my idea, I used the BLOCK letters and yellow color for my title. Next, I insert the slogan and call for actions at the left corner. White and yellow are used for the slogan. After placing the white box behind the slogan, I decided to change the text colors to red and black so that the message can be seen easily.

Figure 4.6 Insert Image and Duplicate Layer , use Quick Selection Tool to select the hands and mask out

Figure 4.7 Use Hue & Saturation to make the hands into B&W

Figure 4.8 Insert Text For Title according to the sketch

Figure 4.8 Insert White Background & Text for Slogan

Figure 4.9 Insert Text for call for action 

Figure 4.10 Final Outcome for Poster 1 Design

Design 2
Based on the second sketch, I decide to do another concept poster. This is to call out actions to treat them fairly and they should receive fair treatment. For fonts I will be using red colour so that can create a strong sight when looking at the poster.

Figure 4.11 Insert Picture and Background Colour

Figure 4.12 Apply layer into the left part

Figure 4.13 Insert Text for slogan and apply Wrap Text

Figure 4.14 Insert Text for call for action and apply wrap text

Figure 4.15 Final Outcome for Poster 2 Design

Final Submission 
For my final submission is the Poster Design 1. 

Figure 4.16 Final Submission for Project 2B

Description : 
The message of this poster is  to treat refugees equally and stop racism. Refugees are humans too, they have the right to be treated equally. Also, this poster is to raise awareness to the public that everyone has human rights.

Her hands are in Black and White which sends out a message that refugees have encountered racial discrimination by locals and they are unable to speak up for themselves as they were not treated as legal citizens. It is also to express the amount of fear, sadness and depression they are suffering in a foreign country when they weren’t able to be fairly treated in that particular country. 

Through this whole project, I get to learn more about Photoshop functions. To me I think that the recolouring project is quite interesting and I learnt how to mask my images in a more advanced way. 

For Project 2B, not only learning for designing poster also understanding the situation of refugees in Malaysia. Through this project I learn that the colour balance and blending functions that can create even more natural project pieces.
